Registration Fees

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Registration fees

Participation fee: 100 Euros (Online Participation: 35 Euro). 

Provided that the authors are the same, the second paper are free of charge for participants from outside Türkiye. 

Free transfers from airport (For 9 September and 14 September 2024)

Free accommodation (9-13 September 2024),

Free cafe break on the congress day.

Free trip: Royal Court and Chindia Tower (Targoviste), Peles Castle (Sinaia), Cantacusino Castle (Busteni) and Bran Castle known as “Dracula Castle” (Bran).

Free Publications (Abstract Book and Proceedings Book)

EURO Account : İş Bank EURO account no: 5620-3617483

IBAN: TR41 0006 4000 0025 6203 6174 83  (Swift code of the Bank: ISBKTRISXXX)

Account name and adress: Dilkur Akademi Eğitim Danışmanlık ve Organizasyon Hizmetleri Sanayi ve Ticaret Limited Şirketi

İpekyolu İş Merkezi Kat.10 (Migros arkası) Aksaray/Turkiye


Please contact to send by Western Union: Himmet KARADAL (Türkiye) Phone Number : +90 506 466 00 77 (Whatsapp Number)

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